Thursday 10 January 2013

Faith, Hope, Love

Today I've been spoilt by my Dad. 

We went for a walk around the shops in another town as a change of scenery, to get some fresh air and check out the bargains.

Upon walking up to one shop window, my Dad said: "There's a bracelet in this shop I nearly bought for you before but I wasn't sure if you'd like it."

He pointed it out. Part of the pure by Coppercraft range, it has the words 'Faith, Hope, Love' inscribed on it with Jade stones for luck and confidence.

It was perfect. No sooner had I said this, he was in the shop and making the purchase. I honestly didn't say that just to make him buy it for me - I was going to buy it for myself.

The words Faith, Hope and Love have always had a special resonance with me - I even had a necklace with the symbols of these when I was a teenager.

Faith is important - you need to believe in something, whatever your religion or denomination. Also, one of the biggest faiths you need in your life is in yourself. 

We all need Hope, whether it's for a brighter tomorrow, an achievement, or Hope for our families and friends. 

What greater thing in the world is there than Love? Knowing that you're loved and you give love is so powerful. 

So now, each time I look at my bracelet, I'm reminded to have all three.

Monday 7 January 2013

Book review - The Last Letter From Your Lover

The Last Letter From Your Lover
By Jojo Moyes

Captivating and heartwarming, The Last Letter From Your Lover is a tale of love lost and rediscovered.

Ellie, a young journalist who has lost the passion for her features writing job, is assigned to a project - to write an interesting piece on the history of her newspaper as it prepares to move base to a brand new, state-of-the-art office.

In her quest, she finds these old love letters and begins to piece the jigsaw together - not realising she's about to discover the past she's researching has a resonance with her today.

The book, by Jojo Moyes, covers many themes, including love, relationships, career, our pasts, and so many more. But at the heart of it is how times have changed. In the 1960s, successful businessman's wife would be ostricised socially for leaving her husband for another man, especially one who isn't of the same social standing.  Would it really matter so much today?

The Last Letter From Your Lover is one of the books I've read that I didn't want to end, which to me is the sign of a job well done. If you're happy to cast the book aside, has it actually made any impact or given you any food for thought?

I wanted to know more - did Ellie get the love she deserved? Could there be a future for Jennifer and Anthony? In my head the answer is yes to both.

Sunday 6 January 2013

New year, new Filofax

I’ve owned many Filofaxes – some might say too many – and I’ve found that the personal size currently works best for me.
The mini is too small (clue’s in the name I guess!), the pocket doesn’t quite have enough space and the compact’s rings are too, well, compact for my liking.
I made good use of my red personal Finsbury (above) last year and it contained everything I needed to run my life.
But there was one Filofax I’d been lusting after for a while – the personal Osterley in plum. I loved the colour, the contrasting pink stitching and the fact it looked so grown-up. I know I’m in my 30s but it’s a difficult thing, admitting you’re actually an adult.
The only problem was the price - as Osterley lovers will know they don’t come cheap.
I spotted it on one website for a reasonable price but I’d ummmed and ahhhhhed for so long it was out of stock when I decided to take the plunge. I spotted it on another site and made the purchase there and then.
It was definitely love at first sight when she arrived in her box, all wrapped up neatly.
One thing I’d decided was that it wasn’t to be used until the new year. Why spend all the time setting it up with a diary that would only last weeks?
So, when we headed towards 2013 I got it, or Polly the Plum Osterley as she’s been called, set up.
I’m determined to use one Filofax this year, and I think I have the perfect one.

Back to blogging

So, here I am. The start of another year and another chance to make sure I blog properly.
It’s not been one of my resolutions, but that’s because I’ve broken it twice before. Third time lucky, hey?!